by Navigators Canada | Oct 31, 2014 | Discipleship, Guelph, International, Navigators, Neighbourhood, Waterloo
Nuke Shim has been involved with the Navigators for the past 54 years along with his wife Vie, tangibly showing the Chinese students and immigrants they work with that they are loved. Originally from the island of Jamaica, Nuke was the son of Chinese immigrants and...
by Navigators Canada | Oct 25, 2014 | Campus, Navigators, Neighbourhood, Ottawa
Canadians everywhere were shaken on Wednesday when the Ottawa downtown became a scene of chaos as a result of a gunman’s murderous trek to Parliament’s Centre Block. The shooter was shot and killed by the House of Commons’ sergeant-at-arms Kevin...
by Navigators Canada | Oct 24, 2014 | Calgary, Campus, London, Navigators, Neighbourhood, Ottawa, Vancouver
Over the past couple months, Navigator campus groups across the country have taken a weekend to get away, bond with one another and learn more about God. These retreats have become a crucial element in the campus ministries that have implemented it, taking place once...
by Navigators Canada | Aug 1, 2014 | Campus, Discipleship, International, Kingston, Marketplace, Navigators, Neighbourhood
For the last 30 years, Janet Holden and her five children have been living and working in Angola. They’ve worked to mentor business professionals, going so far as to establish an English-language institute to help these professionals improve their English skills. They...
by Navigators Canada | Jul 21, 2014 | Campus, Halifax, Navigators, Neighbourhood
A key element of the Navigator mission is to help foster healthy community. One of the ways we do this is by getting involved in local events and initiatives, such as the Running and Reading program. This program, developed by Start2Finish, runs in local, inner-city...
by Navigators Canada | Jul 21, 2014 | Churches, Discipleship, Hamilton, Navigators, Neighbourhood, Ottawa
In Western culture, head knowledge, like analytical and critical thinking, has become the most celebrated form of intelligence. Those especially gifted in areas such as science and technology are lauded and celebrated. Their accomplishments and exploits are regularly...