by Dennis Funk | Sep 18, 2015 | Disciple Blog
by Chris Matthisen — When I encourage disciples to take up the challenge to disciple another, I get one of two responses. The first response goes something like this; “But I don’t have the knowledge or maturity to disciple another person!” and the second is “Who...
by Dennis Funk | Jul 14, 2015 | Disciple Blog
An effective disciple is someone who truly understands that they are loved by God. Without such knowledge we lack courage along with the relational strength to be obedient to the Word of God. In her book The Fear Cure, Lisa Rankin says that we need courage to deal...
by Dennis Funk | Jul 14, 2015 | Disciple Blog
by Chris Matthisen “I’m not able to experience God’s presence”, or “I’m failing to find purpose in my life”, are two of the most common statements I hear from disciples as they struggle to make sense of their faith. Although...
by Dennis Funk | Jul 14, 2015 | Disciple Blog
Disciple! Collingwood was a success! If you missed out, don’t despair. go to the link for the recordings and supplemental materials from the day. To not miss out on future Disciple! Conferences, subscribe to our newsletter
by Dennis Funk | Jul 14, 2015 | Disciple Blog
by Chris Matthisen In the opening Chapters of Matthew, Jesus gives us a good understanding of the content and process that goes into the formation of a disciple. The Sermon on the Mount for example, communicates foundational truths that Jesus wants every disciple to...
by Dennis Funk | Jul 14, 2015 | Disciple Blog
by Chris Matthisen One of the first things I do when starting a new discipling relationship is to sit down with the disciple and go over the Disciple-SHIP illustration. Every ship has a hull or body; it forms the core of what the ship is all about. The hull on some...