Marketplace Mentor
Greg Roberts
Greg is passionate about advancing the kingdom of Christ! He was born in Vancouver and raised in the town of Tsawwassen. Greg graduated from the Dubrulle French Culinary School with a diploma in culinary arts in 1994. He started his bistro and catering company in 1995 in Vancouver. He married his late wife Jennie in 2000. By 2009 the young couple had three children, two daughters and a son. Greg and his family assisted in planting two churches in the Vancouver area. In 2016 Jennie went home to be with the Lord. During the pandemic Greg sensed God calling him out of his catering company and closed his company in 2022. In September of 2023 Greg began as an Associate with The Navigators.
Ministry Information
Greg is working in the marketplace ministry team in Vancouver amongst the business leaders in the region. With over three decades of business leadership Greg has an ability to share timeless truths with these men. Mentored by a local Navigator for over twenty years, Greg has firsthand experience of the impact of discipleship. The Nav leadership training and mentoring has led him to a deeper understanding of “fishing for men. “