Church Ministry Associate

Fund: Church DiscipleshipDONATE

Greg Reed


Greg has a strong desire to see the church grow and thrive as we walk together following Jesus. Gifted as an administrator, teacher, mentor and leader, Greg’s life has been dedicated to inspire and equip disciples at all stages of their journey. Greg is excited to join the Navigators Church Ministry team as an Associate Staff member. Greg is a former high school Business Studies teacher and vice principal. He has also served with a short-term mission program (Youth Mission International) using his administrative gifts. Most recently Greg served as the pastor of discipleship at WMB Church in Waterloo. Greg is married to Roselynn; as a team they have opened their lives to walk alongside many people in their journey of discipleship. They have two adult children. Ian is married to Emma, and they have one child, Greg and Roselynn's first granddaughter. Sarah is a long-term missionary in Austria serving with Multiply.