Director of International Missions

Ministry Location: International
Fund: Lui, JonathanDONATE

Jonathan Lui

Ministry Information

We have been serving with the Navigators for 30+ years, primarily as missionaries overseas and at the US Navigators Headquarters sending out missionaries from 2016-2023. Now serving as the International Missions Director of The Navigators of Canada, Jonathan is the overall leader of the international ministry staff and their missions work, as well as domestic cross-cultural ministries. Our vision is to raise up and support generations of cross-cultural missionaries bringing the gospel to the nations. Then, people will know Jesus through small-group Bible studies and Life-to-Life discipleship, live a transformed life, and be equipped to help others to do the same. 我們在導航會的服事有三十多年了,主要在海外宣教,而從2016-2023則在美國導航會總部作差派宣教士的事工。 現在作為加拿大導航會的國際宣教主任,國基會帶領、督導所有國際事奉員工和他們的事工,這也包括本土跨文化事工。 我們的異象是要興起和支持累代的跨文化宣教士,把福音帶到各國,藉著小組查經和生命影響生命的門徒關係認識耶穌、活出新生命、被裝備而延續幫助別人。