Donation or payment changes
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Edit your account
Secure Payment Options
Are you sure you would like to remove this payment option? This action cannot be undone, however, you can add a new one at any time.
Are you sure you would like to end this recurring gift? This action cannot be undone, however, you can start a new one at any time by visiting our donation page. If you want to change the method of payment add a new payment method and then edit this pledge and select it. You can also change the amount by editing instead of deleting.
Update the gift amount or payment method. If you want to change the fund designation, you will need to end the gift and then make a new gift from our donation page.


Please note that if you update the amount on a recurring commitment, the next scheduled payment will be at the new amount.

Here is what you can do:

  • Find your giving information
  • Add, change, or update your payment method (used especially when your credit card expires)
  • Increase, decrease a recurring commitment (click )
  • End a recurring commitment (click )
  • Remove an old or expired payment method (click )
  • Update your contact information in our records

The Navigators do not share or publish your giving information with anyone outside our organization.

Spending of funds is confined to Board-approved programs and projects. Each contribution directed toward an approved program or project will be used as restricted with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the Board, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed.


The Navigators of Canada
5 – 29 Kilworth Park Drive,
Komoka, ON N0L 1R0


Please do not send credit card or banking information via email. It is unsafe.

(866) 202-6287 ext.234
Local Call:
(519) 660-8300 ext.234